Em: After having my son I have had a hard time keeping weight on. Being a nursing mom, I thought that may be the cause, but my doctor at the Mayo Clinic said it is most likely stress related, and because I am underweight, I am at risk for osteoporosis. Not something I want to hear at 29 years old. I have had my thyroid tested and physicals done. She said I need to start putting on weight and do an exercise of some sort, to help with bone strength and stress reduction. If I didn’t do something about it, the impact on my life and body could be detrimental.
Well, after doing a little research and reading my Experience Life magazine, I have discovered that running is an excellent weight-bearing exercise that helps to reduce my risk of osteoporosis (and yours too!). Activities that fight against gravity strengthen bones by stimulating bone-building cells called osteoblasts – which in itself sounds pretty awesome…. Osteoblasts! KABOOM! Every time you flex your muscles, your tendons pull on the bone which stimulates the bone to grow. The body is pretty freakin’ rad, don’t you think!?
On day three, every time my thigh was feeling the burn, I knew I was not only strengthening my bird legs, but also strengthening the bone that holds me upright. That made my best run to-date that much more satisfying. What keeps you going?
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